Knauf Ceiling Solutions
Knauf Ceiling Solutions

HERADESIGN® fine | Akustyczne panele z wełny drzewnej

Struktura powierzchni Fine. Jednowarstwowy panel akustyczny z wełny drzewnej ze spoiwem magnezytowym - włókna wełny drzewnej o szerokości 2 mm.


Building material class: B-s1, d0 according to EN 13501-1
Product thickness: 15 mm, 25 mm, 35 mm
Nominal dimensions [mm]: 600x600, 625x625, 1200x600, 1250x625
Special formats on request. Length up to max. 2400 mm. Max. width 625mm
A wide variety of edge designs
Building biology harmlessness certificate by Institute for Building Biology in Rosenheim
High mechanical strength
Almost any colour from popular colour systems such as RAL and NCS may be selected

Application areas

As decorative and acoustically effective sub-ceiling and wall cladding for use in interior rooms and roofed outdoor areas, which are not exposed to direct environmental influences such as rain or pollutants.

Produkt z kategorii: sufity / podkategorii: sufity z wełny drzewnej