Konkurs Design przeciw wojnie - Design against war

Konkurs Design przeciw wojnie - Design against war

Na platformie Desall.com ogłoszono konkurs na projekty, które mogą wyjść na przeciw wyzwaniom, które towarzyszą społecznościom z terenów dotkniętych wojną. Swoje pomysły można przesyłać w trzech kategoriach konkursowych: przestrzeń, produkty i usługi.

Konkurs kierowany jest do osób pełnoletnich, prowadzony jest w języku angielskim i ma charakter prestiżowy, tj. nie przewidziano w nim nagród pieniężnych.

Opis oryginalny:

What we are looking for? Competition of ideas for Spaces, Products, Services on the needs and desires of life and care in affected areas, devastated and conditioned by war. Spaces, Products, and Services which would solve, contain, facilitate, sustain, and emphasise the practical, psychological, relational, or cultural aspects of contexts shaped by conflict – this can be severe and widespread conflict, such as those in Afghanistan and Iraq, or more contained, insidious conflicts, like those that can be found in parts of Italy. Submissions capable of informing a concept (abstract), a solution (practical), or a process (conceptual) that could aid treatment, protection, assistance, preservation, information, analysis, transportation, connection and payment (and so on) in contexts severely affected by war. We have long sought to define ‘war’, and how we might interpret it in terms of the wants and needs, both implicit and explicit, of those in living in war-torn areas. We have come to the conclusion that it would be more productive to leave the question of definition to the participants – case by case – to be answered through their projects. We hope that this will enable entrants to provide answers which reflect their research and/or areas of expertise. We are interested in Spaces, Products, and Services. These can be small, medium or large; fixed, mobile or temporary; disassemblable, reusable, or convertible; promoting sustainability and self-sufficiency; physical, digital, or in ‘app’ form; and so on. Submissions can range from practical and functional to imaginative and thought-provoking.

Kategorie konkursowe:
  • Spaces
  • Products
  • Services
  • Przesyłanie zgłoszeń - do 27 lipca 2019 roku
  • Ogłoszenie wyników - wrzesień / październik 2019 roku
Szczegóły na stronie konkursu.

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